Valerie Embry
Continuing Professional Development and Marketing Coordinator
We are dedicated to providing Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for heathcare providers in our region.
We offer in-person trainings, live webinars, and archived webinars. CPD programing assists health practitioners in expanding their knowledge, increasing their competency, and maintaining professional licensure and certification.
We hope that you find a program that is of interest to you and that meets your professional needs. Watch for upcoming opportunities.
Need assistance in providing educational programming?
We offer conference/program planning services and co-sponsorships with local health care organizations, agencies, or associations for online and live programs.
Nursing Credit
The Georgia Board of Nursing deems Magnolia Coastlands Area Health Education Center as an acceptable provider for continuing education (CE).
Your Support Matters
A donation to Magnolia Coastlands AHEC helps our students and our community.