Valerie Embry
Continuing Professional Development and Marketing Coordinator
Providing Resources to help improve Maternal & Child Health in southeast Georgia
Magnolia Coastlands AHEC is committed to provide Continuing Professional Development and to share resources to improve Maternal and Child Health in southeast Georgia. Our conferences seek to provide excellent educational opportunities that will allow participants to keep abreast of the latest trends and developments in maternal care.
Between 2016-2020, Georgia had 29.5 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births within 42 days
postpartum, compared to the national rate of 19.3 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. We can also
note the maternal mortality rate by race distribution that mothers of African American or Hispanic
origins have a higher mortality rate compared to White mothers.
According to the Georgia Department of Community Health, Bulloch County is listed as one of
Georgia’s rural counties.
As of 2021, Bulloch County, GA, had 82,442 occupants, with women making
up 51% of the total population.
Approximately 63% of the occupants were White, 30% were Black or
African American, 0.5% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, 1% were Asian, 0.1% were Native
Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders, and 5% were Hispanic or Latino.
Additionally, among Bulloch County occupants at least 25 years of age, approximately 88% are at least high school graduates compared to 28% with at least a Bachelor’s degree. Finally, about 21% of individuals in Bulloch County live below the poverty line, which is higher than the national average of 12%.
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